Furry Friends

This is too cute! Poor puppy he didn't know any better...I bet the cat told him to poop in the house just so he would get in too trouble! 

This is Dewey! He lives in a library, but visits our home on the weekends. He was rescued from starvation and neglect by the loving librarians when he melted their hearts. Dewey is rambunctious and sweet. He is constantly playing (more like tormenting) his fellow feline Lucky! Dewey loves to chase strings and peek out windows. Dewey is a bit nocturnal and is spoiled...we love him like he is ours! 

This is Lucky! He is our obese, lazy cat. Lucky keeps to himself, sleeps whenever he can and when it comes to food there is no stopping him! He likes kitty treats and feathers, but when Dewey comes over he is not the happiest because he isn't the center of attention. Lucky and Dewey are constantly tousling around and taking sneak attacks on each other, but in the end I (Kelly) feel like they secretly love each other.

This is Sadie! She is a full blood beagle! Sadie was a 2008 Easter present to us! She is energetic and friendly but sometimes shy! She can always cheer you up by being goofy and is ready to go on a walk at any moment. Sadie likes anything from playing tug-o-war to sleeping under the covers! She is very laid-back and sweet! Sadie is the best dog ever!

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